Business & Economy

Trump’s Assertion: America Possesses More ‘Liquid Gold’ Than Saudi Arabia or Russia, Trump Vows Energy Superiority

In a daring statement during a recent Fox News interview, former President Donald Trump described America’s untapped energy reserves as “liquid gold,” claiming that the U.S. holds greater energy potential than any other country, including Saudi Arabia and Russia. He vowed to leverage these resources to establish American dominance in the global energy sector.

“We have an abundance of energy—more ‘liquid gold,’ as I call it, beneath our land than Saudi Arabia, Russia, or anyone else,” Trump asserted.

“We’re going to achieve energy dominance, create immense wealth, and supply energy across Europe and the world,” Trump stated. He criticized current policies that he says hinder energy infrastructure, particularly in New England, where residents experience some of the highest energy prices globally due to restrictions on pipeline development.

Economic Strategy Focused on Energy

Trump’s energy policy is a key element of his broader economic strategy, which he believes will combat inflation and bolster the economy. “We’re going to drastically reduce energy costs. Drill, baby, drill,” he said, emphasizing that lowering energy expenses would address wider economic issues.

Reviving the Auto Industry with Tariffs

Trump also outlined a robust plan to revive the American auto industry, which he argues has been severely undermined by foreign competition. He pledged to restore auto jobs through a tariff system aimed at boosting domestic production and penalizing countries like China and Mexico, which he accuses of “stealing” U.S. manufacturing jobs.

“Those people in Michigan who support me and whom I support, will deliver a win because their auto industry will be gone in two years if she [Harris] wins,” Trump warned, predicting a bleak future for the industry under current policies. He promised that his administration would act swiftly to reverse this trend.

Commitment to Immediate Action

Trump assured that revitalizing the auto industry would be a top priority within the first two weeks of his term, promising voters a significant increase in domestic auto production and job creation. “We’re going to create more auto jobs than ever before,” he declared, emphasizing his dedication to restoring American manufacturing.

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