Science & Technology

Now plants can grow without soil.

A venture in New Delhi has astonished everyone with their new approach to planting crops. This way of producing crops is compatible with rapid urbanization and rampant increase in population. They have used a technique known as “hydroponics” to plant crops on a large scale.

Hydroponics- “hydro” means water, and “ponics” means continuing the operations of the ecosystem by man-made technology.

Overall it means cultivating crops with the aid of water only.

History of hydroponics

The first time it was noticed in the famed hanging garden of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A large amount of water of the Euphrates River cascaded down the luxurious garden walls.

During the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote about noticing floating gardens in China.

How does hydroponics work?

In the traditional method, A plant requires water, sunlight, carbon dioxide, and nutrients from the soil where roots seek out nutrients in it.

For easy access to nutrients, this method includes the amalgamation of minerals and requires nutrients with water.

There are many kinds of hydroponic systems like nutrients dissolved in water, substituting soil with coconut fiber, peat moss, clay pebbles or perlite.

Himanshu Agarwal with his mother launched a closed venture long back. But during the lockdown, they were anxious about the sales. But this lockdown turned in their favor and they made profits. To produce these crops they supplied artificial lightning in laboratory conditions.

Why is this type of cultivation advantageous?

These crops can be grown anywhere if the conditions are met.

The main point we have to notice is they can be through vertical gardening, so we can produce more crops.

Especially during covid, people are preferring no contact food, and obviously, this fulfills people’s demand. Moreover, these provide pesticide-less plants which are safe to eat.

Due to health consciousness among people and to improve immunity more orders for greens have been increased during covid although the costs are a bit higher. As people are concerned about their health and acquiring nutritious food, the urge to set up hydroponics is rising gradually.

“These plants are Like my kids. When They grow from a seedling to a full plant, I nurture them like my children” by Himanshu’s mother. Apart from that this venture which is situated in the heart of the city has won a new title as a former corporate employee.

Many intellectuals stated that this type of farming is way cooler for home gardeners who love to grow crops at their homes. They see it as the future as they can be grown anywhere in less space to grow nourishing food.

There are chances that the food you brought like cucumber, strawberries, tomatoes is hydroponically developed.

So keeping in mind the current trend of growth in population and demand for more food and faster production this is the best option to grow healthy nourishing food with superior quality.


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