A tragic incident occurred in Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh on 24th August, where a man belonging to an upper-caste had brutally attacked and killed a 17-year-old tribal girl for declining his sexual advances. According to the...
Tag : Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh- Alleged BJP worker urinated on tribal boy in BJP ruling state.Â
by Vasantha M
A video went viral on social media in which a man in a drunken state was abusing and urinating on a tribal laborer sitting in the Kubari market of Sidhi district, Dashmat Rawat, when he...
India- Madhyapradesh- ST Joseph School mobbed by Few Hindu Right Wing Extremist.
by vishrutha
In the recent days, there are many cases in which Hindu extremists have been attacking Christian schools and their congregations, hospitals and churches for converting the youth related to these places. Most of them who...
Delta Plus variant, a caution of third wave ? The covid-19 pandemic has given birth to different variants over the time. Earlier the World Health Organisation (WHO) mentioned that on detection of any transmissible variant...