Majority of the students opt for science because of the highest scope the course has and it seems to be true. But confusions create because of the various options available. 12th class is a critical...
Tag : science
In the present global situation, 6.83% of mobile users download the applications from the play store app. This report was taken from We knew that Tata is the largest corporate sector and provides unique...
St.Stephens college affiliated with Delhi University had released its cut-off list for admission to undergraduate programs. Students who had applied for under graduation program online should go through the cut-off to get admitted to St.Stephens...
Pandemic brought in technological innovation in Masjid-al-Haram in Mecca
by vishrutha
Saudi Arabia, officially called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is an absolute monarchy. According to the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia, the king must follow Sharia (Islamic law) and the Quran, while Quran and the...
“Are we alone?” Is probably the thought that haunts not only every astrophysicist but many others who realise how infinitely vast our universe is. We have been searching for life in our own solar system...
We have been evolving for millions of years now. From primate to modern man, we had quite a bit of journey. We have lost and also gained evolutionary characters on our path. But carrying a...
When you hear the word social being, the first thing comes to many people’s mind is “A Colony of Ant”. With division of labour has female worker, male drones and female queen, it’s the complex...
What is the source of energy on earth? The obvious answer would be our nearest star, “the Sun”. The fusion reaction of hydrogen to helium in the core of the sun is the reason for...
Extra-terrestrial possibility of life has been the main focus of Space Research ever since we got to know how to escape the Earth. NASA has been studying Mars for decades now, to find microbial life...
Plastics are part and parcel of our life. We just can’t imagine a day without plastic, from morning packed milk to nights sleeping bag our life is filled with plastics. But all this came at...